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How to Build a Linux Docker Container for Cross-Compiling C++ Code to macOS Mach-O 64-Bit

Writer's picture: Ruud WijnandsRuud Wijnands

Updated: Aug 18, 2024

One way to build macOS-targeted binaries from a non-macOS environment is by using cross-compilation tools. This involves setting up a cross-compilation environment within a Linux-based Docker container to build Mach-O 64-bit binaries.

osxcross is a cross-compiler for macOS. It enables you to compile for macOS on a Linux system. The setup involves:

  • Acquiring the macOS SDK;

  • Building the osxcross toolchain with the macOS SDK;

  • Using the osxcross toolchain to compile your code into Mach-O binaries.

However, there are legal and practical challenges:

  • Legal consideration: the macOS SDK is subject to Apple's licensing terms. Acquiring and using the SDK on non-Apple hardware might violate these terms.

  • Complexity: setting up osxcross in a Docker can be quite complex and may require significantl manual configuration and maintenance.

Creating a Docker container that can cross-compile to produce macOS-compatible Mach-O executables is very unusual and technically challenging. The primary reason for this complexity is that macOS uses a different executable format (Mach-O) and generally different libraries than Linux, which Docker containers typically run.

However, I can guide you through a theoretical approach using osxcross, a popular tool for cross-compiling to macOS from a Linux environment. Please be aware that this is an advanced and experimental setup that may require significant adjustments to work for your specific use case.

Step 1 - Setting up the Dockerfile

You'll start by creating a Dockerfile that sets up osxcross. This process involves downloading the macOS SDK and using it to build the cross-compilation toolchain. The example below assumes you want to compile for macOS Sonoma. This can be derived from the version number in the macOS SDK, which in this case is 14.0.

FROM ubuntu:latest

# Install dependencies
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y \ clang \    llvm \    libxml2-dev \    uuid-dev \    libssl-dev \    bash \    make \    tar \    xz-utils \    bzip2 \    gzip \    sed \    cpio \    patch \    liblzma-dev \    libbz2-dev \    autoconf \    automake \    libtool \    cmake \    git \    python3 \    zlib1g-dev

# Set up the working directory
WORKDIR /osxcross

# Clone the osxcross repository
RUN git clone .

# NOTE: You need to provide the macOS SDK tarball, which must be obtained from Apple.

# Make sure you comply with Apple's licensing agreements.
COPY   MacOSX14.0.sdk.tar.xz /osxcross/tarballs/

# Build osxcross

# Add osxcross to the PATHENV 

In this Dockerfile:

  • We're using an Ubuntu-based image and installing dependencies required for osxcross.

  • We assume you have a legally obtained MacOSX14.0.sdk.tar.xz (or another version) from Apple and added it to the Docker build context.

  • The git clone command clones the osxcross repository into /osxcross.

  • The macOS SDK tarball is copied into the tarballs directory within the cloned osxcross repository.

  • The script is then executed in the /osxcross folder to build osxcross to set up the cross-compilation toolchain.

Step 2 - Build the Docker Image

Build the Docker image using:

docker build -t mac-cross-compiler .

Step 3 - Cross-compiling your application

With this Docker image, you can now attempt to cross-compile your application. Mount your source code into the Docker container and use the osxcross toolchain to build your application.

docker run -it --rm -v /path/to/your/source:/source mac-cross-compiler

Inside the container, navigate to the mounted source directory and compile using the macOS toolchain, e.g., o64-clang++ or o64-clang for C++ and C projects, respectively.

Important Considerations

  1. Legal Compliance: Ensure that you comply with Apple's licensing terms when obtaining and using the macOS SDK.

  2. Complexity and Limitations: This setup might not support all features or libraries that a native macOS environment would. It's primarily suitable for more simple applications.

  3. Testing: Extensive testing on actual macOS hardware is essential to ensure the compatibility and functionality of your cross-compiled application.

  4. Updates and Maintenance: The osxcross project and macOS SDKs get updated, so this process may need adjustments over time to stay current.

This guide provides a high-level overview of the process. Still, due to the complexity and potential variability in requirements, you may need to make additional modifications to suit your specific project.

Running the container with volume mounting

Run the Docker container and mount your local code directory into it. Replace /path/to/your/source with the actual path to your source code on your host machine.

For C or C++ projects, it might look something like this:

o64-clang++ -o myapp source_file.cpp


o64-clang -o myapp source_file.c

Accessing the compiled binary

After compilation, the binary (myapp in the example) will be available in the /source directory inside the container, which is mapped to your local code directory. You can then run this binary on a macOS system to test it.





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