Learning Vim is beneficial if you often use Unix or Linux systems. The following cheat sheet will help you get started with the basic commands you'll likely use most frequently.
Here is my vim cheat sheet. You can also find a download link at the bottom of this page.
Description | Command |
Moving around | |
Move the cursor two words left | 2w |
Move the cursor to the end of the 3rd word | 3e |
Move the cursor the the start of the line | 0 |
Move to the start of the next word | w |
Move to the end of the next word | e or E |
Move a word backward | b or B |
Deleting | |
d <number> <motion> | |
Delete until the end of the line | d$ |
Delete until the start of the next word | dw |
Delete until the end of the current word | de |
Delete the next two words | d2w |
Delete the current line | dd |
Delete the next two lines | 2dd |
Delete character at the cursor | x |
Undo/Redo | |
Undo last change | u |
Undo the whole line | U |
Redo | Crtl-r |
Put (paste) | p |
Replace | |
Replace the character at the cursor | r |
Replace more than one character | R |
Changing | |
c <number> <motion> | |
Change until the end of the word | ce |
Change until the end of the line | c$ |
Change the next two words | c2w |
Cursor location and file status | |
Show location in file and status | Ctrl-g |
Move to the bottom of the file | G |
Move to the start of the file | gg |
Move to line number | <number>G |
Search | |
Search the word at the cursor | * |
Search forwards + phrase | /<phrase> |
Search backward + phrase | ?<phrase> |
Search the next word (forward) | n |
Search the previous word (backward) | N |
Go back to where you came from backwards | Crtl-o |
Go back to where you came from forwards | Crtl-i |
Disable search highlight temporarily (cmd-mode) | :noh |
Matching parentheses search | |
Type % to find the matching ) } ] | %} or %] or %) |
Substitute (Search and replace) | :s |
Substitute 'old' with 'new' | :s/old/new |
Substitute 'thee' with 'the' globally in the line | :s/old/new/g |
Substitute between line numbers # and # | #,#s/old/new/g |
Substitute every occurrence in the whole file | :%s/old/new/g |
Substitute every occurrence in the whole file and prompt to confirm | :%s/old/new/gc |
Executing external commands | |
Write file (default has no filename for nvim) | :w |
Write file <FILE> | :w FILE |
Writing a selection to a file (start visual selection v and enter : until you see '<,'> at the bottom of the screen | '<,'>w FILE |
Opening and reading a file `<FILE>` | :r FILE |
Merging a file at the current position in the current file | :r FILE |
Open Command | |
Move the cursor to the next line and switch (insert mode) | o |
Move the cursor to the previous line and switch (insert mode) | O |
Append from the cursor (insert mode) | a |
Append at the end of the line (insert mode) | A |
Copy & Paste | |
Use visual select v and highlight what you want to copy and press y for yank to copy | y |
Copy the next word | yw |
Paste after the cursor | p |
Paste before the cursor | P |
Set options | |
Enable ignore case (for search) | :set ic |
Disable ignore case | :set noic |
Enable highlight search | :set hlsearch |
Disable highlight search | :set nohlsearch |
Enable show partial matches search | :set inc |
Disable show partial matches search | :set noinc |
Getting help | |
Open the help | F1 or :help |
Find help for <topic> | :help <topic> |
Move to the next window pane | Ctrl-w |
Command completion (command mode) | Ctrl-d (e.g. :w Ctrl-d shows all commands starting with w) |
Quitting | |
Quit vim | :q |
Quit and ignore changes made to the file | :q! |
Quit and write changes made to the file | :qw |