This Rust tutorial describes the basic use and some more advanced uses of string formatting. The println! macro in Rust uses a syntax similar to Python’s string formatting, enabling flexible and powerful ways to format strings. Here's an overview of the formatting options available in Rust:
Basic Syntax
The placeholders for formatting are enclosed in {} within the string. The macro replaces these placeholders with the provided values.
println!("Hello, {}!", "world"); // Hello, world!
Positional and Named Arguments
Positional arguments: Placeholders can specify arguments by their index.
println!("{0}, {1}, {0} again!", "Hello", "world"); // Hello, world, Hello again!
Named arguments: Arguments can also be referenced by name.
println!("{greeting}, {name}!", greeting="Hello", name="world"); // Hello, world!
Formatting Options
Inside {}, you can specify additional options after a colon (:). These options include alignment, width, precision, and more.
Specifies how the value should be aligned within the field.
Left-align (:<)
println!("{:<6}", "Hi"); // "Hi "
Right-align (:>):
println!("{:>6}", "Hi"); // " Hi"
Center-align (:^):
println!("{:^6}", "Hi"); // " Hi "
Sets the minimum width of the field. If the value is shorter than the specified width, it is padded with spaces (by default).
println!("{:6}", "Hi"); // "Hi " (padded to a width of 6)
Fill Character
Specify a character for padding.
println!("{:*<6}", "Hi"); // "Hi****"
println!("{:*^6}", "Hi"); // "**Hi**"
println!("{:*>6}", "Hi"); // "****Hi"
For floating-point numbers, precision limits the number of digits after the decimal point.
println!("{:.2}", 3.14159); // "3.14"
For strings, precision limits the number of characters displayed.
println!("{:.4}", "Hello, world!"); // "Hell"
Combining Width and Precision
println!("{:6.2}", 3.14159); // " 3.14" (width 6, precision 2)
Control the display of signs for numeric values.
Always show a sign (:+):
println!("{:+}", 42); // "+42" println!("{:+}", -42); // "-42"
Display a space for positive numbers (: ):
println!("{: }", 42); // " 42" println!("{: }", -42); // "-42"
Number Formatting
Binary (:b):
println!("{:b}", 42); // "101010"
Octal (:o):
println!("{:o}", 42); // "52"
Hexadecimal (:x / :X):
println!("{:x}", 42); // "2a" println!("{:X}", 42); // "2A"
Debug (:?): For printing debug representations of values (like structs or enums).
println!("{:?}", (42, "Hello")); // "(42, \"Hello\")"
Zero Padding
Pads the number with zeros instead of spaces.
println!("{:06}", 42); // "000042"
Advanced: Custom Types
To use println! formatting with custom types, implement the std::fmt::Display or std::fmt::Debug traits for your type.
use std::fmt;
struct Point {
x: i32,
y: i32,
impl fmt::Display for Point {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "({}, {})", self.x, self.y)
let point = Point { x: 1, y: 2 };
println!("{}", point); // "(1, 2)"
Example Combining Features
println!("{:<8} | {:^8} | {:>8}", "left", "center", "right");
// "left | center | right"
println!("{:*>8.2}", 3.14159); // "***3.14"
Summary Table
Format Specifier | Description |
:< | Left-align the value within the width |
:> | Right-align the value within the width |
:^ | Center-align the value within the width |
:<width> | Specify minimum width |
:<fill><align> | Specify fill character and alignment |
:.<precision> | Set precision for floats or limit string length |
:+ | Always show a sign for numbers |
: | Show a space for positive numbers |
:b | Binary format |
:o | Octal format |
:x/:X | Hexadecimal (lowercase/uppercase) |
:? | Debug representation |
:06 | Zero-padded to width 6 |
This flexibility allows println! to handle a wide range of formatting needs!